Rabu, Juni 15

Everything's Gonna Be Beautiful at The Time

“Which one do you prefer, our friendship or him, and if you prefer him than our friendship, you will broken our friendship, think it up!”
These word are still in my head a while ago until now. Dio said that before I enter the class. Dio is my bes friend since I was a child. And I don’t remember when we met for the first time. And I don’t know why he said that.

“Vina! mention the parts of cell!” says Mrs. Dewi .
I can’t answer it because I don’t pay attention her lesson.”Emm..” I just say it.
“What about you Alif?” asks Mrs Dewi to Alif who is my classmate and my boyfriend too.
”Cell wall, plasm membrane, and nucleous” answers Alif out of his head.

The bell ringing and it means end of studying activity. Dio come to me and says “So,do you find the answer?”
 “I’m still confuse io, I don’t know what I must to do,you both are important to me.”
 “Life is choice..you must choose one between love and friendship.”
 “It’s difficult to me io, and why do you suddenly hate him.”
“I think he is no suitable for you.”
Then Dio goes away. And then I go to parking area.
Alif has waited me since a while ago with his black mercy. “I’ve waited for 20 minutes, where are you from?” says Alif peevishly.
“I’m sorry…I just met Dio”.
”Huh..that boy again,let’s go.I’ll take you home.”
 I enter his car and we go to my house.

When we arrive at my house, Dio was there.
“What are you doing here,” says Dio
“Not your business,” says Alif
Alif punch Dio’s face and then a fight broke out
I try to stop them. “Stop!stop! what’s happening to you both?”
“So you prefer him than me..Ok!” says Dio and then go away from us

I say to Alif “Why did you punch him? You must ask forgive to him.”
“Why do you still defend him, you’re mine!” says Alif
“But, what is his mistake so you punch him?”
“He hate me, doesn’t he?”
“But you don’t have to punch him right?”
“Huh..I never guess that you still defending him,” Then Alif enter his car and go away from me too. I shout out him loudly “ALIIIIIIFFFF…!!!!” but I think it’s useless because he is impossible to hear me.

I cry alone here. I go to my house and enter to my room. I try to call both of them but no one answer it. I send many SMS but no one reply it too. I still crying and then thinkin what Dio has said. Maybe it’s true. I must choose one of them.
Alif is almost perfect in my view. He is handsome, rich, and smart too. He is superstar in my school. He shooted me last week in a restaurant. And I’m very very happy to become his girlfriend.
Dio is my bestfriend since we both was child. We are need each other. He is always there when I need him. He is my neighboor too. And I don’t know why suddenly he hate Alif. I think he never care about my relationship.
I am just alone here. Suddenly, there is an sms come. I take my HP quickly. There is SMS from Dio. I open his message ‘Come to Taman Sari Restaurant, right now!’. Taman Sari Restaurant is the place where Alif shooted me. “What is he doing there?” “Is there Alif too?” think of me.

I get there at 8.00 p.m. There is a party here.”Why Dio invite me to this party”still thinking. I enter the restaurant ad there is banner with these word ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY VINA’ and there are many my friends here
“What..? today is my birthday?..but,how could I forget it,” I say
“Haha..because you think my words overmuch,” says Dio than shake my hand and says “Happy birthday.”
“Hah?..what do you mean?” I say
“This is our plan” says Alif who suddenly come to us
“So your fight is..? ooh everything is just scenario right?” I cry again and then Alif hug me and whisper to my ear,”I want to talk with you face to face.”

Alif and I go to out of restaurant. We are just accompanied by moon and wave of beach.
“Don’t cry again coz I’m here for you,” says Alif while hugged me
“I think this is the most beautiful time in my life” I say
“Hmm..everything is gonna be beautiful at the time” says Alif and then he kisses me.

Alif let Dio to take me home and then he go home alone with his car. When I and Dio arrive at my home, Dio says,”Exactly,I never jealous with your relationship, you must not choose one between love and friendship,because they are connected each other."

I say “you are my bestfriend, we will be friend forever right?” 
Dio shake my little finger and says “I promise.”


6 komentar:

  1. nice ...
    and the important reason why i say that's great
    u r a guy but in dis story u be a girl ...
    it's hard to do,if you don't understand well.

    wanna come to my blog ? :)

  2. @miraclething and syifa thank you..

  3. i like this but i feel this is just a true story ,is it ? ._.

  4. Hallo dio.
    I have spent so many times to get some information about you. But it so difficult. I always pray for you. May allah always help you in every steps you take.
